Monday, June 25, 2007


So I stepped back from blogging for a couple days to feel out the whole Clomid experience. I will say that the emotional episodes aren't fun (I even teared up at commercials!) nor the hot flashes... or the headaches, but I now know why it says that "your doctor has prescribed this for the greater good". I don't know ow much I would usually ovulate, but it looks like I'm going to this month! The Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) has shown High Fertility levels for the past 5 days and I'm really optimistic about that! Before when I'd use the strips I would get nothing, so this is an improvement. I'm really nervous though and just hoping I don't catch myself in the usual trap of extreme hopefulness and then crushing defeat. I know logically that baby making, even for normal couples, can take a while... but it's a different process with the heart. I'm an emotional person and although I'm not ashamed of it I wish there were times when I could tune it down some, especially now. But again, I know it's for the greater good.
I'm learning the dialect of the Nest boards which is helpful! I never knew about their abbreviated language and at first ('cause I didn't understand it) I thought it was strange and a little silly, but now I'm willing to embrace some of it. I probably will never use it here, but who knows! At any rate, keep your fingers crossed for me that in a few days I'll ovulate and know that this month of strangeness and Clomid has been worth it. Thank you all for your support and for reading!
Be well!

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